Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
The property belongs to the owner, to manage it alone is my duty." Bharata could not feel as Lakshmana. This is Bharata's position. Devotion to Rama means carrying out the work of Rama; else what good is devotion? After making all arrangements for the care of the State, he goes to the forest to meet Rama. He says to Rama, "Dear brother, this is your kingdom. It is for you ... ... ..." but before he could complete the sentence, Rama intervenes, "No Bharata, please look after the kingdom yourself." 

Bharata stands still, shrinking from a refusal. He says, "I shall faithfully obey your command." Whatever Rama says, he has to accept. All that was his, he had already surrendered to Rama.

22. He went back and performed the duties of the state. But he did this, not from Ayodhya, but from a place two miles away, where he lived and did penance. As an ascetic he ruled the kingdom. When Rama and Bharata meet again, it is difficult to make out which of them was the ascetic who had performed penance in the forest. The two faces are alike, they are of the same age, they bear the same marks of tapasya on their faces - it is impossible to say which is Rama and which is Bharata. 

If someone could paint this situation, how noble it would
be! Though Bharata was physically far away from Rama, in spirit they were not separated even for an instant. Though he attended to the affairs of the kingdom, his heart was all the time with Rama. Nirguna bhakti is filled to the brim with saguna. How then could there be any thought of separation from Rama? Bharata never felt any sense of separation from Rama. He was doing the work of his Lord.

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About Bhakti  : Saguna And Nirguna
From one pointedness.Pg1 
From one pointedness.Pg2 
From one pointedness.Pg3
The saguna devotee...Pg1
The saguna devotee...Pg2
The saguna devotee...Pg3
The saguna devotee...Pg4
Saguna is easy and safe.Pg1
Saguna is easy and safe.Pg2
Saguna is easy and safe.Pg3
Saguna is easy and safe.Pg4
Without nirguna ....Pg1
Without nirguna ....Pg2
Without nirguna ....Pg3
The two are complementary.Pg1
The two are complementary.Pg2
The two are complementary.Pg3
The two are complementary.Pg4
The two are complementary.Pg5
An example from the....Pg1
An example from the....Pg2
An example from the....Pg3
Personal experience
Therefore let us attain....Pg1
Therefore let us attain....Pg2