Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
Arjuna's last question
1. My brothers, now by the grace of the Lord, we have reached the Eighteenth Chapter. In this world of chance and change and mutability, the fulfillment of any resolve depends on the will of the Lord. And in jail, at every step, one experiences uncertainty. To start anything in jail and to expect to conclude it here is far-fetched. When we started this study of the Gita, we did not expect that it would be possible to finish it here. But by the will of God we are approaching the end.

2. In the Fourteenth Chapter life, that is all our activity, was divided into three classes, saattvik, rajasik and tamasik. Of the three, we learnt that we should give up the rajasik and the tamasik and take to the saattvik. Then, in the Seventeenth Chapter, the same was treated in a different way. Yajna, dana and tapas, sacrifice, gifts and austerity, or, in one word, yajna, sacrifice, is the essence of life.

Then, in the Seventeenth Chapter, it was suggested that actions like eating, which are ancillary to sacrifice, should be accepted only as a form of sacrifice, and only after making them saattvik. We should accept only those actions which are saattvik in nature and come to us in the form of sacrifice; it is proper that we give up all other kinds of action. We have also seen why we should constantly remember the mantra, 'om tat sat'.

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About The Conclusion
Arjuna's last question.Pg1
Arjuna's last question.Pg2
Renunciation of fruit....Pg1
Renunciation of fruit....Pg2
Renunciation of fruit....Pg3
Renunciation of fruit....Pg4
The true way of ....Pg1
The true way of ....Pg2
The true way of ....Pg3
The true way of ....Pg4
The true way of ....Pg5
Svadharma: the final....Pg1
Svadharma: the final....Pg2
Svadharma: the final....Pg3
Svadharma: the final....Pg4
Its full meaning...Pg1
Its full meaning...Pg2
Attainment is only the....Pg1
Attainment is only the....Pg2
Attainment is only the....Pg3
The triple state of ...Pg1
The triple state of ...Pg2
The triple state of ...Pg3
The triple state of ...Pg4
The triple state of ...Pg5
The triple state of ...Pg6
Thou, Thou, Thou alone