Machindranath told Gorakhnath, "Wash this boy and bring him
back." Gorakhnath caught hold of the boy's feet, dashed his
head against a stone and spread him on a hedge to dry. Machindranath
asked him, "Have you brought the boy washed?" Gorakhnath
answered, "I have washed him white and put him out to
dry." Is a boy washed this way? We don't wash clothes and boys
in the same way. There is a lot of difference between the two.
So, too, there is a lot of difference
between renouncing rajasik and tamasik actions and
renouncing saattvik actions. Saattvik actions should
be renounced in a special way. Unwise actions can only produce topsy
turvy results. Tukaram has said,
"Desire to indulge wells up
within from sacrifice.
What then shall I do, O Lord?"
When we make little sacrifice, a great
desire to indulge comes and sits on our necks. Thus even the little
sacrifice is belied. To compensate for a little sacrifice, they put
up huge monuments. Than these, that old hut was better. It was good
enough. It is better to continue to keep one's coat and turban than
to wear nothing but a lion-cloth and to surround oneself with wealth
and pleasure. Therefore the Lord has explained separately the way of
renouncing saattvik actions.
All the saattvik actions
must be done, but we should pluck and throw away the fruit. Some
actions should be utterly rooted out, while of others only the fruit
should be plucked and thrown away. If there is a stain on the body,
it can be washed off : but if the skin itself is dark in color, what
is the good of giving it a coat of white-wash? Let the dark color
remain. Why do you pay attention to it? Do not consider it