15. Another effect of rajas is
absence of steadiness. Rajas desires immediate results. When a slight
obstruction is met with, the man give up the path he has chosen and takes to another. The
man of rajas is ever busy taking up and abandoning things. He changes
his mind every day. And in the end he finds himself empty-handed.
raajasam chalam adhruvam.
All the acts of the man of rajas are restless and uncertain. He is like
the child who plants a seed and, a little later, digs it up again to see if it
has sprouted. He expects results then and there. He has neither confidence nor
equanimity. He does not know how to plant his feet firmly. He does some work here; he
gets some fame there; then he goes off to a third place which is neither here nor there. Today a
reception in Madras, tomorrow in Calcutta and the day after in Bombay or Nagpur. His ambition is
to get civic addresses from every municipality in the land. He sees glory everywhere. But staying in a place and doing some steady work,
that is not his way. The state of the rajasik man is thus really terrible.
16. Under the influence of rajas, man indulges in all sorts of activities. For him, there is nothing
like svadharma. The true pursuit of svadharma means the giving up of
other activities. The karma-yoga of the Gita is Ramabaana, the arrow of
Rama, for destruction of rajas. Everything about rajas is restless, unsteady.