Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
The state of the sattvik man should become like this. Sattva should pervade every pore of his being. When sattva become so much our nature, we would cease to be proud of it. This is one way to make sattva harmless, to achieve victory over it.

24. Another way is to give up even the attachment to sattva. Egoism and attachment are two distinct things. But the difference between them is rather fine. One can understand it more readily by means of an illustration. Even when the egoism, the pride in sattva, disappears, the attachment to it persists. Take breathing once more as an example. Thought we are not proud of our breathing, we still have a great desire to breathe. It is impossible to hold the breath even for five minutes. Though the nose is not proud of breathing, it goes on  taking in air. There is an amusing story about Socrates. 

His nose was flat and people used to laugh at it. But the witty philosopher said, "Mine is the most beautiful of noses. These nostrils are wide and take in a lot of air and therefore they  are the best." It means that, though the nose is not proud of breathing, it desires to breathe. 


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About The Gunas - Building Up And Breaking Down
Analysis of nature.Pg1
Analysis of nature.Pg2
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The cure for tamas..Pg2
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How to determine...Pg3
How to determine...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg1
Sattva and how to deal...Pg2
Sattva and how to deal...Pg3
Sattva and how to deal...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg5
Sattva and how to deal...Pg6
The Final stage....