Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
The cure for tamas - bodily labor

4. Let us take tamas first. In the condition of modern society, we see terrible manifestations of tamas. Its chief manifestation is laziness. From this spring sleep and neglectfulness. Laziness, sleep and neglectfulness, if we have overcome these, we may take it that we have conquered tamas. The most terrible of these is laziness. The best of men may be ruined by it. It is an enemy which will destroy all the peace and happiness of society. It corrupts everyone, from the lowest to the highest. It spares no one. It lies in wait to pounce upon us. 

At the slightest opportunity it comes and settles within us. A little more food than usual, and it drives us to our beds. If we sleep a little too much, our eyes are dull with sloth. As long as we have not overcome this laziness, all our efforts are in vain. But then we look eagerly forward to laziness. Our desire is that we should work day and night for a while, and save up some money so that we may spend the rest of our lives in leisure. The purpose of earning a lot of money is to prepare for a life of laziness later. We generally believe that leisure is necessary in old age. But this is mistake. If we lead our life in the right way, we should be working even in old age. With increasing experience, our usefulness should also increase. Is that the time to seek rest?

5. We must take good care that laziness has no chance. King Nala was a great man and was very particular about cleanliness. And yet they say once when he washed his feet he left a little spot dry, and Kali (the evil spirit) entered through it.

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About The Gunas - Building Up And Breaking Down
Analysis of nature.Pg1
Analysis of nature.Pg2
The cure for tamas..Pg1
The cure for tamas..Pg2
The cure for tamas..Pg3
The cure for tamas..Pg4
Another cure for tamas.Pg1
Another cure for tamas.Pg2
Another cure for tamas.Pg3
The cure for rajas...Pg1
The cure for rajas...Pg2

The cure for rajas...Pg3

The cure for rajas...Pg4
How to determine...Pg1
How to determine...Pg2
How to determine...Pg3
How to determine...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg1
Sattva and how to deal...Pg2
Sattva and how to deal...Pg3
Sattva and how to deal...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg5
Sattva and how to deal...Pg6
The Final stage....