King Nala was absolutely pure, clean in every way, but he left a tiny part of his body
unwashed. And because of this touch of laziness, Kali entered into him. But we expose the whole body.
Laziness can enter in anywhere it likes. When the body is lazy, the mind and intellect are lazy too. Society today
is built on this laziness. A great deal of misery has arisen from this. If we could cure this laziness, much, if not
the whole of this misery could be removed.
6. At present, everywhere, there is talk of social reform. We are
constantly discussing the minimum comfort the common man should have, and the structure of society
necessary to bring this about. On the one hand, there is excessive comfort, and on the other extreme
privation. On the one side wealth is piled up and for the rest there
is a bottomless depth of poverty. How can we remove these vast inequalities in society? There is
only one natural way for everyone to get the necessaries of life; that is
for everyone to shake of laziness and work hard. Most of our misery arises from laziness. If all were to
resolve to work with their bodies, this misery will be no more.
But what do we see in society today? On one side, men grow
rusty and useless; the limbs and senses of the rich are eaten up with
rust because they are never used. On the other side are bodies worn thin by unremitting
toil. But the tendency in society is for everybody to try and escape from
bodily labor. Even those who work hard do so without cheer. |