the heads and trunks do not really form different groups. Everybody
has both a head and trunk. This combination of head and trunk is
found everywhere. What then shall we do? Every one must shake of
8. And to shake off laziness one must perform bodily labor; this is
the only way to conquer laziness. If we fail to do this, we cannot but
receive due punishment from Nature. We have to endure it in the form of sickness and
other miseries. Since we have the body, we must use it for labor. The time
spent on such labor is not wasted. It does yield result; we have sound
health; our minds become bright and keen and pure. In the ideas of many
thinkers we see reflected their colics and head-aches.
If these thinkers would work under the
sun, in open air, in the presence of Nature, their ideas would be strong
and bright. Experience shows that just as the mind is influenced by bodily sickness, so also good
health has a bearing on mind. Instead of contacting tuberculosis and then going to Bhuvali and other
health resorts in the mountains in search of sunlight and pure air, why
not dig with a spade in the open, or water the garden or hew wood with
an axe and keep healthy?