Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
They do so because there is no help for it. Those who are educated and intelligent make all sorts of excuses for avoiding labor. Some say, "Why waste time in bodily labor?" But no one asks, "Why waste time in sleeping and eating?" When we are hungry we eat. When we are sleepy we sleep. But when the question of bodily labor arises, we ask, "Why waste our time? Why give so much trouble to the body? We are doing enough work, are we not, with our minds?" My dear sir, you talk of working with the mind, then, why not eat with the mind and sleep with the mind? Why not be content with mental sleep and mental food? 

7. Thus there are two classes of men in society - those who work day and night and kill themselves, and those who do not lift a little finger. A friend of mine once said to me, "Some are heads and some are trunks." On the one hand, we have headless bodies, and on the other bodiless heads. The trunks merely labor, while the heads merely think. Society has come to consist of Rahus and Ketus, heads and trunks. But if in reality they were separate heads and trunks, it would not matter. For then some mutual arrangement could be made, as in the story of the blind man and the lame man. The lame could lead the blind and the blind could carry the lame. 


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About The Gunas - Building Up And Breaking Down
Analysis of nature.Pg1
Analysis of nature.Pg2
The cure for tamas..Pg1
The cure for tamas..Pg2
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Another cure for tamas.Pg3
The cure for rajas...Pg1
The cure for rajas...Pg2

The cure for rajas...Pg3

The cure for rajas...Pg4
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How to determine...Pg2
How to determine...Pg3
How to determine...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg1
Sattva and how to deal...Pg2
Sattva and how to deal...Pg3
Sattva and how to deal...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg5
Sattva and how to deal...Pg6
The Final stage....