Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
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Discourses On Gita
It was only natural that it should float down with the current. If, however, one swims ten yards against the current, one considers oneself a hero. The truth is that, when an action is natural, we do not feel proud of it. 

23. When some good action gets done through our hands, we are inclined to take the credit for it and feel proud. Why? Because it was not done naturally. When a good action gets done through a child's hands, the mother pats it on the back. Otherwise, the child's back would ordinarily know only the touch of the mother's cane. When in the thick darkness of the night there are a few fire-flies, look how proudly they show themselves off! They do not display at their brightness at once. The fire-fly twinkles and stops and twinkles again, as if it were playing hide and seek with light. But if its light were steady, it would not be so proud. 

Because it is constant, one notices nothing special in it. If, in the same way sattva shines constantly in all our actions, it would become our nature. Not only is the lion not proud of its strength, it is not even conscious of it. So too, sattvik conduct must be so natural and spontaneous with us that we do not even think of it. It is natural for the sun to give light. The sun takes no pride in it. If anybody sets out to present it with a testimonial, it would say, "What is the special thing that I have done? I do no more than give light. My life consists in giving light. If I did not do that, I would die. What else could I do?"  

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About The Gunas - Building Up And Breaking Down
Analysis of nature.Pg1
Analysis of nature.Pg2
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The cure for tamas..Pg2
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Sattva and how to deal...Pg2
Sattva and how to deal...Pg3
Sattva and how to deal...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg5
Sattva and how to deal...Pg6
The Final stage....