Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
Therefore, we should not break this clean bright  glass; but to save our eyes from the glare, we may insert a piece of paper in front of it. The purpose of this is only to save the eyes from glare. To achieve victory over sattva means to remove our identification with it, our attachment to it. We have to make use of sattva, but it should be done in a disciplined, intelligent manner. We should make sattva free of ahamkara, of egoism. 

22. How then are we to overcome the egoism, the pride, of sattva? There is a way for this. And that is to make sattva firm and steadfast within us. By being constant in it, we shall cease to be proud of it. We should be constantly doing sattvik action. We should make this a part of our nature. We should be constantly doing sattvik action. We should make this a part of our nature. We should make sattva not a guest who comes and goes, but a member of the household. We get proud of things that we do once in a way. We sleep daily, but we do not discuss it with others. 

If a patient has no sleep at all for a fortnight and then slept for while, he tells everybody, "I had some sleep yesterday." It seems to him quite a event. A better example is our breathing. We breathe all the twenty-four hours of the day, but we do not make much of it. No one boasts of being a breathing animal. If a piece of straw thrown into the Ganga at Haridwar floats down 1500 miles and reaches Calcutta, does it feel proud of its achievements?

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About The Gunas - Building Up And Breaking Down
Analysis of nature.Pg1
Analysis of nature.Pg2
The cure for tamas..Pg1
The cure for tamas..Pg2
The cure for tamas..Pg3
The cure for tamas..Pg4
Another cure for tamas.Pg1
Another cure for tamas.Pg2
Another cure for tamas.Pg3
The cure for rajas...Pg1
The cure for rajas...Pg2

The cure for rajas...Pg3

The cure for rajas...Pg4
How to determine...Pg1
How to determine...Pg2
How to determine...Pg3
How to determine...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg1
Sattva and how to deal...Pg2
Sattva and how to deal...Pg3
Sattva and how to deal...Pg4
Sattva and how to deal...Pg5
Sattva and how to deal...Pg6
The Final stage....