That will make my field larger.
There is no one there now. We can do it unnoticed." Although this task
is assigned to me by my neighbour and comes of its own accord, it is
not to be regarded as my duty, for it harbors, asatya, falsehood.
18. The reason why I like the system of four varnas is that both
naturalness and dharma are found in it. If you give up svadharma, nothing will be gained. Only those
who happen to be my parents will be my parents. I may say that I do not like them, but then, what can be
done about it? The parent's calling is naturally followed by the son. It is
the distinguishing feature of the varna system that the trade pursued
by one's ancestors - if it is not opposed to morality - should be continued and developed. This
system has now fallen into decay.
Today it has become difficult to
uphold it. But it would be an excellent thing if only we could reform and revive it. Today the
first 25 or 30 years of a man's life are spent in learning a new job, a new
trade. After learning it, the man goes in search of a place to serve
in, to work in. Thus between what he learns in the first 25 years and
his actual life there is no connection. They say that he is preparing for his later life. This
amounts to saying that while he is learning he is not alive. Apparently,
life is to come later! One is to learn everything first and begin to live
afterwards, as if living and learning are two entirely different things! But
if this is not related to life, should we not call it death? |