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Why Hindu Rashtra?


Christians & Pseudo Secularists

The Christian theocracy is equally intolerant. It is very difficult to celebrate any Hindu function in Nagaland. In Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu, in the coast line, were in the Christian fishermen dominate, the Hindu women pilgrims of Bhagavati Temple at Mandaikadu were insulted, molested and every year it is a problem. It is very difficult to conduct a religious, social or cultural function of the Hindus in such villages where there is good percentage of Christians.

Even the pseudo secularists are more fanatic and intolerant about any other idea became of the sematic background of their idea of so called secularism.


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About The Concept Of Hindu Rashtra
K.Surya Narayana Rao
"Hindu" means....
Not a Political Concept
National Sentiments, Values
English Education Twists Hindu
Not A Theocratic State
Our Ethos In A Natural Way
Modern Concept
Islamic States Today
Christians And Pseudo Secularists
History Proves
British Mischeif
Fundamentalists, Communalist ?
For All Round Development Pg1
For All Round Development Pg2