For All Round
The Hindu tradition of freedom of
thought and recognition of an alternate path or dissent are highly
democratic in character. The all inclusive Hindutva (Hinduness)
alone can provide the strongest sense of nationalism, integrating
this vast country rich in variety. This faith and convliction in the
all inclusive Hindutva has become an inevitable factor to save the
country from the present turmoil.
Every son and daughter of this
country should be made to feel proud of his or her forefathers,
traditions and culture and realise his or her Hinduness. Then and
then alone he or she can rise above corruption and all the parochial
feelings of caste, religion or region. The realisation of Hindu
Rashtra alone can maintain not only the secular and democratic
values, but also the unity and integrity of this great country and
inspire the entire people to suffer and sacrifice to bring about the
all round development of our dear Motherland. Let us all work hard
to make everyone realise this truth about Hindu Rashtra. I hope I
have tried to make everything clear to the best of my ability.