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Why Hindu Rashtra?


Modern Concept

Another criticism about Hindu Rashtra is that the modern concept of secularism and democracy will have no place in Hindu Rashtra. This is again because those who make this charge have never studied and understood the basic Hindu principles and traditions. Since the dawn of civilization, the first ever intellectual composition of the human being on earth was produced here in this land of Bharat -- and that is called the Rig veda. In this we find passages "Ekam sadviprah bahuha vadanti"; "Ano bhadrah kratvo yantu vishwatah", etc.,etc. (Truth is one and the intelligent speak about it in many ways." "Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions of the world.) That is the catholicity of the Hindu thought. Everything is based on such universal approach. It is by far very different from the concept of Christianity or Islam, with which alone our English educated people are familiar.

Because certain things happened in European countries, their calculation is that the same things will happen in this country also. But one should remember that this country and its Hindu ethos are entirely different. That is why even in the annals of Hindu polity you cannot find a theocratic State comparable to Islamic or Christian States.

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About The Concept Of Hindu Rashtra
K.Surya Narayana Rao
"Hindu" means....
Not a Political Concept
National Sentiments, Values
English Education Twists Hindu
Not A Theocratic State
Our Ethos In A Natural Way
Modern Concept
Islamic States Today
Christians And Pseudo Secularists
History Proves
British Mischeif
Fundamentalists, Communalist ?
For All Round Development Pg1
For All Round Development Pg2