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Why Hindu Rashtra?


National Sentiments, Values

This is the case as regards every nation. All nationals of a particular country have an emotional attachment to its history, forefathers, heroes and traditions. This makes them work hard, suffer and sacrifice for the progress and protection of their country. The national sentiment is supreme and above all other sentiments, whether religious or sectional. Take for example, the youngest nation America formed four hundred years ago by all kinds of people of various countries. For the past four hundred years they have developed an American identity, their own traditions and they have their National heroes like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Every American holds this national tradition and the heroes with highest regard respect. No Jew or Muslim of America can say that because Washington and Lincoln were not Jews or Muslims he cannot revere them. The religious sentiments are subservient to national sentiments and values. Similarly, in this country Bharat, in Hindu Rashtra, every national should hold its national heroes like Shri Rama and Sri Krishna in high esteem. They are the age old symbols of all the great values which the country stands for. Religion should not come into the picture at all.


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About The Concept Of Hindu Rashtra
K.Surya Narayana Rao
"Hindu" means....
Not a Political Concept
National Sentiments, Values
English Education Twists Hindu
Not A Theocratic State
Our Ethos In A Natural Way
Modern Concept
Islamic States Today
Christians And Pseudo Secularists
History Proves
British Mischeif
Fundamentalists, Communalist ?
For All Round Development Pg1
For All Round Development Pg2