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Why Hindu Rashtra?


British Mischief

Many times some dub this Hindu Rashtra as communal and fundamentalist. Hindu can never be a communalist nor a fundamentalist. The British started this mischief of calling everything Hindu as communal. In Hindusthan, Hindu is national and not communal. But even after Independence, our political leaders, themselves Hindus, also have fallen a prey to this mischief and they speak about Hindu organisations as communal. To call the Hindu communal will be an insult of all our forefathers, all the Rishis and Sanyasis and their noble ideals, our culture, our tradition etc. It is a total self condemnation. Hindus have never been communal and they can never be.

It is only the Hindu majority of legislators of our country who easily agreed to call our State as secular as against what happened in Pakistan and Bangladesh, because the very nature of Hindu is secular.

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About The Concept Of Hindu Rashtra
K.Surya Narayana Rao
"Hindu" means....
Not a Political Concept
National Sentiments, Values
English Education Twists Hindu
Not A Theocratic State
Our Ethos In A Natural Way
Modern Concept
Islamic States Today
Christians And Pseudo Secularists
History Proves
British Mischeif
Fundamentalists, Communalist ?
For All Round Development Pg1
For All Round Development Pg2