are Hindus. I do not use the word Hindu in any bad sense at all, nor
do I agree with those that think there is any bad meaning in it. In
old times, it simply meant people who lived on the other side of the
Indus. Today a good many among those who hate us many have put a bad
interpretation upon it, but names are nothing. Upon us depends
whether the name Hindu will stand for everything that is
glorious, everything that is spiritual, or whether it will remain a
name of opprobrium, one designating the downtrodden, the worthless,
the heathen. If at present the word Hindu means anything bad, never
that any language can invent.
--- Swami Vivekananda
Each nation has a destiny to fulfill,
each nation has a massage to deliver, each nation has mission to
accomplish. Therefore, from the very start, we must have to
understand the mission of our own race, the destiny it has to
fulfill, the place it has to occupy in the march of nations, the
note which it has to contribute to the harmony of races.
--- Swami Vivekananda