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Why Hindu Rashtra?


Not a Political Concept

Thus we the children of Bharat are living on this common motherland for thousands of years. We have common forefathers, common sages, saints and heroes, common values of life, common traditions and culture, common history, common way of life, which is called Dharma and common aspiration etc. Those who identify with these common factors form the Rashtra or the Nation here and that is exactly Hindu Rashtra. We are all part of this Hindu Rashtra. Whether some people accept and recognise it or not due to their ignorance, Hindu Rashtra exists, it has been existing for ages and it shall continue to exist for ever. Thus Hindu Rashtra is not a political concept but a cultural and emotional one, eternally asserting itself.


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About The Concept Of Hindu Rashtra
K.Surya Narayana Rao
"Hindu" means....
Not a Political Concept
National Sentiments, Values
English Education Twists Hindu
Not A Theocratic State
Our Ethos In A Natural Way
Modern Concept
Islamic States Today
Christians And Pseudo Secularists
History Proves
British Mischeif
Fundamentalists, Communalist ?
For All Round Development Pg1
For All Round Development Pg2