Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
Such respect for all religions is usually a one way street. Hindus are told to accept Sarva Dharma Samabhava, which means that they should not mind if Hindus are converted to Christianity and Islam and should avoid criticizing these religions even if what they believe appears to be a violation of what Hindus hold to be true. On the other hand, under the same principle, Muslims and Christians are not expected to reciprocate, stop their conversion efforts, or to become Hindus. 

The result is that Sarva Dharma Samabhava has served to erode the Hindu view of truth and encouraged Hindus to give up their critical faculties in matters of religion. It is contrary to the spirit of the yogis and Rishis in which all manner of debate was encouraged in order to arrive at truth. Please note the Shad Darshanas, the six systems of Hindu philosophy, for such a tradition of free, lively, and friendly debate. When a superficial agreement is required for political harmony all real examination must come to an end. For this reason there has been a decline of intelligence in India and a diminishing of critical thinking about religion.

While we should all strive to be kind and not interfere with the religious views of others, this does not mean that we have to cease thinking in order to do so. Social tolerance should not be confused with equation of all beliefs and no longer discriminating between various religious teachings. To create social harmony Hindus need not give up defending their religion or critically examining the religions that oppose them. The logical result of this thinking would mean that Hindus should give up their religion altogether. Yet when Hindus try to defend their religion, they are accused of violating the principle of Sarva Dharma Samabhava. 

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About Sarva Dharma Samabhava
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Real Meaning..Pg1
Real Meaning..Pg2
Are All Religious..Pg1
Are All Religious..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg1
Universal Dharma..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg3
Belief and Dharma Pg1
Belief and Dharma Pg2
Belief and Dharma Pg3
Religion and Truth Pg1
Religion and Truth Pg2
Unity of Mysticism
All Religions..Pg1
All Religions..Pg2
The Pluralism of Paths Pg1
The Pluralism of Paths Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg1
Unity of Religions..Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg3
Value of Religions Pg1
Value of Religions Pg2
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg1
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg2
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