Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
While one could argue that such beliefs can be employed as a means to lead people to Dharma, instilling moral and ethical virtues on the ignorant, it is clear that these beliefs can be used for social domination as well. Even within Dharmic traditions are things that are not Dharmic. For example, a caste system determined by birth, such as many Hindus take it to be, is not Dharmic. It does not reflect the nature of individuals, of which birth is only one factor, and not necessarily the main one.

So clearly some of the fundamental and primary tenets of different religions are not Dharmic or universal but limited and therefore sectarian and divisive in their application. Even if they have some value we should not put them on par with universal truth principles. And we cannot ignore the problems that arise from various religious beliefs, placing them under the protective veil that all religions are true. Above all we must recognize that dogma is not Dharma. 

That we should respect all Dharmas should not translate into respecting all dogmas and refusing to question them, which failure to seek the truth is itself adharmic. That all Dharmas are one should not be used as an excuse for adharma to place itself beyond question. That Dharma is one does not mean that adharma should be able to hide itself in the garb of religion.

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About Sarva Dharma Samabhava
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Real Meaning..Pg1
Real Meaning..Pg2
Are All Religious..Pg1
Are All Religious..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg1
Universal Dharma..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg3
Belief and Dharma Pg1
Belief and Dharma Pg2
Belief and Dharma Pg3
Religion and Truth Pg1
Religion and Truth Pg2
Unity of Mysticism
All Religions..Pg1
All Religions..Pg2
The Pluralism of Paths Pg1
The Pluralism of Paths Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg1
Unity of Religions..Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg3
Value of Religions Pg1
Value of Religions Pg2
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg1
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg2
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