Let us first examine what Sarva Dharma Samabhava really means. It
is simply a statement that all Dharmas are equal. But what are
Dharmas? Dharmas are universal truth principles and natural laws
that are eternally true. For example, the Dharma or property of fire
is that it burns. One cannot imagine a fire that does not burn.
Similarly there are ethical and spiritual principles or Dharmas.
Such ethical Dharmas are yogic principles like non-harming
(ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), control of sexuality (brahmacharya),
non-stealing (asteya), and non-hoarding (aparigraha), the yamas and
niyamas of yogic thought. For example, since no creature wishes to
be hurt to cause suffering to others is a violation of Dharma, while
to seek to alleviate the sufferings of others promotes Dharma.
are principles of right living valid for people of all societies and
walks of life.