Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Return to Dharma

What is necessary is a return to Dharma or universal truth principles, not respect for all religions as they exist today, which with their dogmas are often sordid affairs. One must seek to uphold Dharma even if all the organized religions of the world have to be discarded. It is time for religions to bow down to Dharma, not for Dharma to be made in the image of religious beliefs and institutions. Spiritual truth transcends organized religion, which mainly serves various political and social aims. 

Sarva Dharma Samabhava means the harmony of Dharma or truth-principles, not the equality of religious beliefs, dogmas or institutions. Those who use the term otherwise are misusing it. We are entering a new era in civilization today, in which religion must be radically recast, if not discarded. Only those religions willing to undergo a radical transformation are likely to survive. This change will be in the direction of experiential spirituality, in which the individual's direct experience of God or truth becomes most important, and religious dogma and institutionalism is set aside. 

This is the real Sarva Dharma that no group can claim to own or dispense. Hinduism as a religion of Dharma rather than dogma should lead the way in this revolution, which also means clearing up the adharma that can be found among Hindus today. Unfortunately the superficial universalism of political Sarva Dharma Samabhava is only creates a smoke screen for adharmic beliefs and dogmas to perpetuate themselves.

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About Sarva Dharma Samabhava
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Real Meaning..Pg1
Real Meaning..Pg2
Are All Religious..Pg1
Are All Religious..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg1
Universal Dharma..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg3
Belief and Dharma Pg1
Belief and Dharma Pg2
Belief and Dharma Pg3
Religion and Truth Pg1
Religion and Truth Pg2
Unity of Mysticism
All Religions..Pg1
All Religions..Pg2
The Pluralism of Paths Pg1
The Pluralism of Paths Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg1
Unity of Religions..Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg3
Value of Religions Pg1
Value of Religions Pg2
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg1
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg2
Return to Dharma