Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
A common tenet of Hinduism is "Sarva Dharma Sambhava, which literally means that all Dharmas (truths) are equal to or harmonious with each other. In recent times this statement has been taken as meaning "all religions are the same" - that all religions are merely different paths to God or the same spiritual goal.

Based on this logic the religious path that one takes in life is a matter of personal preference, like choosing whether to eat rice or chapatis to fill one's stomach. One's choice in religion is merely incidental and makes no real difference in the spiritual direction of one's life. Any path is as good as any other. The important thing is to follow a path. However since the religion of one's birth is not only as good as any other, but is the closest to access and easiest to understand, one should usually follow it whatever it may happen to be.

From this point of view whether one is Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, or of another religious belief is not important. Whether one goes to a temple, church or mosque, it is all the same. Whether one prays to Jesus or Allah or meditates upon Buddha or Atman the results cannot be ultimately different. All religions are equally valid ways of knowing God or truth. The outer differences between religions are merely incidental while their inner core is one, the knowledge of the Divine or supreme reality. Therefore members of all religious groups should live happily together, recognizing that there is no real conflict in what they believe in but only superficial variations of name and form.

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About Sarva Dharma Samabhava
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Real Meaning..Pg1
Real Meaning..Pg2
Are All Religious..Pg1
Are All Religious..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg1
Universal Dharma..Pg2
Universal Dharma..Pg3
Belief and Dharma Pg1
Belief and Dharma Pg2
Belief and Dharma Pg3
Religion and Truth Pg1
Religion and Truth Pg2
Unity of Mysticism
All Religions..Pg1
All Religions..Pg2
The Pluralism of Paths Pg1
The Pluralism of Paths Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg1
Unity of Religions..Pg2
Unity of Religions..Pg3
Value of Religions Pg1
Value of Religions Pg2
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg1
Sarva Dharma Samabhava..Pg2
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