Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
As rivers flowing to the sea discard their names and forms, so the person of spiritual knowledge, liberated from name and form enters into that celestial Being who transcends all. Mundaka Upanishad III.2.8

That which they call Indra, Mitra, Varuna, and Agni, as also the celestial beautiful feathered eagle - That which is the One Being, the sages declare in manifold ways.
Rig Veda I.164.46

He whom the Shaivites worship as Shiva, whom the Vedantins call Brahman, whom the Buddhists call Buddha, whom the Nayakas call the creator, whom the Jains call the Arhat, whom the Mimamsakas call karma, may that Vishnu, the Lord of the three worlds, grant you the object of your desire.
Stotra to Vishnu

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About The Eternal Tradition Of Hinduism
The Eternal Tradition Of Hinduism..Pg1
The Eternal Tradition ..Pg2
The Eternal Tradition ..Pg3
The Eternal Tradition ..Pg4
The Name Hinduism Pg1
The Name Hinduism Pg2
Sanatana Dharma...
A New Look At Hinduism 
Hinduism.. Pg1
Hinduism.. Pg2
Hinduism.. Pg3
The Religions..
India, the Land of Religion... 
The World View of... Pg1
The World View of ... Pg2
Universality in Religion..  Pg1
Universality in Religion..  Pg2
Universality in Religion..  Pg3
Universality &....   Pg1
Universality &....  Pg2
Universality &...  Pg3
Multiplicity in Unity Pg1
Multiplicity in Unity Pg2
Freedom.. Pg1
Freedom.. Pg2
Freedom.. Pg3