There are several figures -
like Krishna and Rama, the avatars of Vishnu, or Shankaracharya, the
great teacher of Advaita Vedanta - who are of particular importance
in Hinduism but none that dominate it so exclusively as Christ,
Mohammed or Buddha dominate their religions. Each region of India
has its important saints and sages of the last few centuries like
Tulsi Das and Kabir in the north, Narsi Mehta and Mira Bai in
Gujarat, Nanak for Sind and Punjab, Jnaneshvara and Tukaram of
Hinduism has many new sects,
and does not limit itself merely to the teachers of the past. The
Swami Narayan movement starting in Gujarat in the late eighteenth
century, the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda movement starting from Bengal
in the late nineteenth century, the Arya Samaj movement founded by
Swami Dayananda Sarasvati in north India in the mid-nineteenth
century, are only a few of such groups which now have wide
followings of their own.
Many modern Hindu teachers
have become known in the modern world like Ramakrishna, Vivekananda,
Gandhi, Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi, Shivananda and countless more.
Yet they are not known as mere propagators of Hinduism but as world
teachers, proponents of Yoga, meditation, and universal spiritual
principles. Such spiritual teachers see themselves as part of a
universal tradition, not the proponents of a particular religion
against others. This is no mere accident. It is part of the
universal formulation of Hinduism which is not closed along
particular lines. |