Not surprisingly, Hinduism
is not only criticized for its transcendent impersonality but for
its many gods and worship of Nature - which is a criticism of an
opposite nature. Those who see Hinduism as caught in the formless or
as caught in the diversity of form only reveal their inability to
understand its teaching. How can the same teaching be criticized in
such opposite ways? It is like criticizing a person for being both
too impersonal and too personal at the same time.
Owing to its otherworldly
nature and rejection of mundane goals (including heaven, which as
another world is also a mundane goal) as the highest reality,
Hinduism is said to be pessimistic or anti-life. This appears in a
stereotypical image of Hindu yogis mortifying themselves, closing
their senses, fasting and weakening the body. This is perhaps the
most misinformed of the judgements against Hinduism. Hinduism
teaches that we are all God, that we contain within ourselves all
time and creation, that our nature is Infinite Bliss inherently
transcending all sorrow and limitation.
To call a teaching which
says that our nature is Infinite Bliss pessimistic, while religions
that teach we are sinners or materialistic science that teaches we
are only biochemical reactions, optimistic, is absurd. Hinduism says
that all life arises from joy and that we will all eventually return
to Eternal Joy, however great a sinner we may temporarily appear to
be. Religions that teach an eternal hell for anyone are the real
pessimists, and those that teach an eternal heaven that still
depends upon a body (which can never be eternal) are also
pessimistic. Those who limit our being to this transient life are
the worst pessimists of all.