Cause and Effect
Karma is a natural law, not a moral law. If we put our hands into a fire
and get burned, it is because we have violated natural law. We have acted contrary to the inherent
qualities of things. There is no God who forbids us to touch fire and
who burns us to punish us for violating his dictate. Just as there is
natural law in the outer world, so does natural law apply to the realm
of emotion and thought. Unfortunately, we are not as perceptive in the inner or
psychological realm as in the outer.
We do not always see how we are
hurting ourselves through the violation of our own emotional nature. All bad
or evil thoughts and emotions must first hurt ourselves as our mind is
their field of manifestation. If I am angry that anger must first affect me, not only
disturbing my emotions and thoughts, but harming my physical body as well.
I may blame another
for it, but I still am creating it in myself and have to experience the
consequences of it within my own psyche. The relationship between cause and effect may not appear as dramatically or immediately in the
inner world, as it does in the outer. When I put my hand in a fire, I know
quite directly the mistake I have committed.