141. Let him not insult those who have
redundant limbs or are deficient in limbs, nor those destitute of knowledge, nor very aged men, nor those
who have no beauty or wealth, nor those who are of low birth.
142. A Brahmana who is impure
must not touch with his hand a cow, a Brahmana, or fire; nor, being in good health, let him look
at the luminaries in the sky, while he is impure.
143. If he has touched these, while
impure, let
him always sprinkle with his hand water on the organs of sensation, all his limbs, and the navel.
144. Except when sick he must not touch the cavities (of the body) without a reason, and he
must avoid (to touch) the hair on the secret (parts).
145.Let him eagerly follow the (customs
which are) auspicious and the rule of good conduct, be careful of purity, and control all his
organs, let him mutter (prayers) and, untired, daily offer oblations in the fire.
146. No calamity
happens to those who eagerly follow auspicious customs and the rule of good conduct, to those
who are always careful of purity, and to those who mutter (sacred texts) and offer burnt-oblations.
147. Let him, without tiring, daily mutter the Veda at the proper time; for they declare
that to be one's highest duty; (all) other (observances) are called secondary duties.
148. By
daily reciting the Veda, by (the observance of the rules of) purification, by (practising) austerities,
and by doing no injury to created beings, one (obtains the faculty of) remembering former
149. He who, recollecting his former
existences, again recites the Veda, gains endless
bliss by the continual study of the Veda.
150. Let him always offer on the Parva-days oblations to
Savitri and such as avert evil omens, and on the Ashtakas and Anvashtakas let him constantly
worship the manes.