71. A man who crushes clods, tears o3 grass, or bites his
nails, goes soon to perdition, likewise an informer and
he who neglects (the rules of) purification.
72. Let him
not wrangle; let him not wear a garland over (his hair).
To ride on the back of cows (or of oxen) is anyhow a
blamable act.
73. Let him not enter a walled village or
house except by the gate, and by night let him keep at a
long distance from the roots of trees.
74. Let him never
play with dice, nor himself take off his shoes; let him not
eat, lying on a bed, nor what has been placed in his hand
or on a seat.
75. Let him not eat after sunset any (food)
containing sesamum grains; let him never sleep naked,
nor go anywhere unpurified (after meals).
76. Let him
eat while his feet are (yet) wet (from the ablution), but
let him not go to bed with wet feet. He who eats while
his feet are (still) wet, will attain long life.
77. Let him
never enter a place, difficult of access, which is impervious to his eye; let him not look at urine or ordure,
nor cross a river (swimming) with his arms.
78. Let
him not step on hair, ashes, bones, potsherds, cotton-seed or cha3, if he desires long life.
79. Let him not
stay together with outcasts, nor with Kandalas, nor with
Pukkasas, nor with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor
with low-caste men, nor with Antyavasayins.
80. Let
him not give to a Sudra advice, nor the remnants (of his
meal), nor food offered to the gods; nor let him explain
the sacred law (to such a man), nor impose (upon him)
a penance.