191. Hence an ignorant (man) should be afraid of
accepting any presents; for by reason of a very small (gift) even a fool sinks (into hell) as a cow
into a morass.
192. (A man) who knows the law should not
offer even water to a Brahmana who
acts like a cat, nor to a Brahmana who acts like a heron, nor to one who is unacquainted with
the Veda.
193. For property, though earned in accordance with prescribed rules, which is
given to these three (persons), causes in the next world misery both to the giver and to the
194. As he who (attempts to) cross water in a boat of stone sinks (to the bottom),
even so an ignorant donor and an ignorant donee sink low.
195. (A man) who, ever
displays the flag of virtue, (who is) a hypocrite, a deceiver of the people, intent on doing injury,
(and) a detractor (from the merits) of all men, one must know to be one who acts like a cat.
196. That Brahmana, who with downcast look, of a cruel disposition, is solely intent on attaining
his own ends, dishonest and falsely gentle, is one who acts like a heron.
197. Those Brahmanas
who act like herons, and those who display the characteristics of cats, fall in consequence of
that wicked mode of acting into (the hell called) And hatamisra.
198. When he has committed a
sin, let him not perform a penance under the pretence (that the act is intended to gain) spiritual
merit, (thus) hiding his sin under (the pretext of) a vow and deceiving women and Sudras.
Such Brahmanas are reprehended after death and in this (life) by those who expound the Veda,
and a vow, performed under a false pretence, goes to the Rakshasas.
200. He who, without
being a student, gains his livelihood by (wearing) the dress of a student, takes upon himself the
guilt of (all) students and is born again in the womb of an animal.