By one accused of a mortal sin (Abhisasta), a hermaphrodite, an unchaste woman, or a
hypocrite, nor (any sweet thing) that has turned sour, nor what has been kept a whole night, nor
(the food) of a Sudra, nor the leavings (of another man),
212. Nor (the food given) by a
physician, a hunter, a cruel man, one who eats the fragments (of another's meal), nor the food of an
Ugra, nor that prepared for a woman in childbed, nor that (given at a dinner) where (a guest
rises) prematurely (and) sips water, nor that (given by a woman) whose ten days of impurity
have not elapsed,
213. Nor (food) given without due respect, nor (that which contains) meat
eaten for no sacred purpose, nor (that given) by a female who has no male (relatives), nor the
food of an enemy, nor that (given) by the lord of a town, nor that (given) by outcasts, nor that
on which anybody has sneezed;
214. Nor the food (given) by an informer, by one who habitually tells falsehoods, or by one who sells (the rewards for)
sacrifices, nor the food (given) by an
actor, a tailor, or an ungrateful (man),
215. By a blacksmith, a Nishada, a stage-player, a
goldsmith, a basket-maker, or a dealer in weapons,
216. By trainers of hunting dogs, publicans,
a washerman, a dyer, a pitiless (man), and a man in whose house (lives) a paramour (of his
217. Nor (the food given) by those who knowingly bear with paramours (of their wives),
and by those who in all matters are ruled by women, nor food (given by men) whose ten days of
impurity on account of a death have not passed, nor that which is unpalatable.
218. The food of
a king impairs his vigour, the food of a Sudra his excellence in sacred learning, the food of a
goldsmith his longevity, that of a leather-cutter his fame;
219. The food of an artisan destroys his
offspring, that of a washerman his (bodily) strength; the food of a multitude and of harlots
excludes him from (the higher) worlds.
220. The food of a physician (is as vile as) pus, that of
an unchaste woman (equal to) semen, that of a usurer (as vile as) ordure, and that of a dealer in
weapons (as bad as) dirt.