began at Karanja, one of the famous towns in Berar. There was born to a pious
brahmin a fair boy, although he looked extremely loving and lovable, was dumb,
right from birth. 'Om' was the only sound emanating from his mouth for
everything he needed for eating or living. He performed a good number of
miracles, like changing an iron hammer into a gold one. The worried parents were
consoled with his gestures and were assured that he would talk only after the
thread ceremony. As said, during the ceremony, to the utter amazement of all, he
recited the Vedas and the six sastras. He was named Narahari, perhaps, for his
formidable activities. Later, when he wanted to take up sanyasa and go on a
pilgrimage, his parents disuaded on the ground, they had no other issue. He
assured them with one, and after the birth of brother, he left for desayatra.
His first stage was Kasi, where his intellectual powers feasted the great
pundits and he was asked to teach sanyasamarga by a learned pandit called Sri
Krishna Saraswati. On completion he was honoured with the title of Nrisimha
Saraswati. He toured several other centres of pilgrimage. Honours were heaped
upon him wherever he went.