The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Whenever there is some threat from the overpowering darkness of ignorance, in its attempt to eclipsing that all effulgent jyoti, God Himself incarnates and revives the glimmering jyoti for jagatkalayana, or sends deputies on this work now and then. The grateful community adore them fittingly both during their life time and after death. Ironical it may appear that-such luminaries gain greater following after their demise, and their message reaches the four corners of the world through a network well-knit branches established all over the globe. And what is more, by their vigorous work and incessant propagation they enrich the parent institution materially and spiritually. Ganagapur is the headquarters of one such institutions, whose founder was no other than Sri Mahavishnu born as Dattatreya and who incarnated again as Sri Pada Sri Vallabhaswamy, and who in turn as Narasimha Saraswati.the chief architect and founder of this Ganagapur temple, who chose to install the Padukas of the venerable Guru - as the chief object of worship, and introducing traditions, pujas, ministrations etc. similar to that of any place of worship, dedicated to gods. Further it has the additional unique feature of driving out the satanic forces - disasters of witchcraft, possessing of devils. Moreover, it established similar temples elsewhere in India, where the same zeal for continuation of the Datta sampradaya is paramount and it is the be all and end all of existence. Inspite of the absence of archamurthis of any divinity, many periodical festivals are celebrated with great gusto and fanfare. And finally they are serving as the outstanding Vidyapithas, displaying the characteristic aspect of Indian Psyche that chants - Gurudevobhava with full throated reverential ease and implements it with sincerity that finds no parallel. 


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About Guru Dattatreya Of Ganagapur
The Preceptor...Pg1
The Preceptor...Pg2
You are Here! Uniqueness....
Origin Of Data....
Birth Of Dattatreya
Another Legend Pg1
Another Legend Pg2
Dattatreya's Mission
Shri Shripada...Pg1
Shri Shripada...Pg2
Narashima Saraswati Pg1
Narashima Saraswati Pg2
Narashima Saraswati Pg3
The Temple Complex 
Pujas And Festivals Pg1
Pujas And Festivals Pg2
Other Abodes...