with his inimitable virtue of Kshma - mercy essential for such mission started
his noble mission -lifting the adorable vedic knowledge from the depths and
reestablished the Sanathana Dharma. Soon he and his followers released the
Dharma from the grip of several sects, who with the grace of kshudradevatas and
tamasika poojas made the land a burial ground littering with bones and blood of
animals and humans, sacrificed according to the tenets of their cult. He was
recognized and his cult honoured. He became a Guru - the guru with great
following engaged in preaching Dharma which took deep roots this region. An
interesting phenomenon! He settled down at Mahur, the famous Saktipitha of his
day and freely indulged in the five 'Ma' kar rites of the Sakteyas to teach them
the worthlessness of their cult through final result.
The Nath Sampradaya and
the Mahanubhavas more than Sakteyas joined in claiming him as their guru, though
he preached the Satdharma, contrary to their cherished Sanyasa marga. In course
of time, with his magnetic personality and superiority of his cult he changed
the other sampradays.
The change that came over was very rapid and the old religion once again reached
the apex. Many eminent followers not only preached, but wrote master pieces
explaining the glory of this Dutta cult. Gurucharita, an authoritative work,
besides giving the origin and impact of Dutta cult, gives an exhaustive account
of the history of his avatars like Shri Sripada Shri Vallabha and Sri Narasimha
Saraswati, the immortal disciples who immortalized their Guru through
propagation and construction of Mandirs for uplifting the Sanathana Dharma, and
proferring relief to the afflicted through many ministrations, from the
principal shrine at Ganagapur. Among the many Shri Shripada Shri Vallabh, the
first incarnation of Dattatra deserves close perusal.