The Aalayas of Andhra Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India



As day ends in night, he experienced a great shock just then. The news of the death of his loving wife, who on hearing her affectionate Lord renouncing worldly life, upset him. She turned into a Pisachi for the sin of suicide. When she wailed piteously appearing in her new form at the feet of her lord, he pitied her and released her from that dreadful life by sprinkling water from his Kamandal. The grateful Madhavas offer first prayers to her on all auspicious occasions thence forwards. Then he commenced his desaparyatana-a duty indispensable for every Matapravakta.

As the fragrance of his literary fame and miracle making power spread and hovered over everywhere, people in thousands and lacs vied with one another to offer pujas, Bikshas and act as hosts at all places. With discourses and miracles, he won the affection and reverence from all sections of people, wherever he went. Sometimes refusing the wealthy man, he used to receive Biksha in common but devout people.

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About Mantralaya Mahakshetra
Birth And Parentage
His Education
His Precocity
As Householder
Beginning of Miracles..Pg1
Beginning of Miracles..Pg2
You are Here! As Madhva Pithadhipathi
How A Cowherd..Pg1
How A Cowherd....Pg2
Giving Life ..Pg1
Giving Life ..Pg2
Final Tour
Entering Into The Brindavan
The Aftermath of Samadhi
The Emergence
Darsan To Sir Thomas Munro