Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India

Tirukkurungudi - Nambi Temple

This Divya Tirupathi has got the singular distinction of enshrining six worshipful Moolavars going by the names of Kurungudi Nambi, Vaishnava Nambi, Malaimel Nambi, Nina Nambi, Irunda Nambi, Varuga Nambi, Tiruparkadal Nambi. As it is here Vamana gave darsan, it is called Kurangudi. All are in standing posture and facing east. Built in the Dravidian architectural style, the garbhagriha is adorned with Panchaketaka vimana. Lord Siva was blessed with the darsan of these Lord. This is a hill temple surrounded by thick forests and kept guarded by two formidable Kshudra devatas called Budhathan and Bhairavan. The sthalapurana eulogizes the glory of this kshetra with the anecdotes of Tirupaarkadal Sindhu Vaishnavas getting Nambi titles from the Moolavars. Tirumangai Alwar was blessed with Tirumada here only. Hence immense eminence and unparalleled popularity. Tirumalisai and Nammalwar offered Pasuramalas to the Lord. The Tayar is called Kurungudi Valli. The temple tank goes by she name of Tirupaarkadal. There is Lord Siva's image installed in the sannidhi. Regular worship is offered with great devotional fervor.  Periodical festivals draw huge crowds.

It lies 10 km off Srivaikutttam station, accessible by four wheeler.


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