- Vaithamanidhi Perumal Temple
The sthalapurana of this Divya Desam embodies several anecdotes that have
heightened the glory of this kshetra to unimaginable proportions. Among them,
first is the celebrated Madhura Kavi Alwar was born here, and he is fittingly
honoured with a separate sannidhi in the temple itself. Secondly, it is believed
that the inestimably invaluable Navanidhis are concealed here and none knows
their exact location even today. Next in importance is that Kubera and
Madhurakavi were blessed with the vision of the Lord after offering soulful
prayers. Finally, Kubera was blamed for having given false information regarding
the Navanidhis hidden here. Darsan is made available to certain castes only; and
that is another peculiar tradition observed here. With such awe-some facts, this
kshetra has been luring a steady stream of devotees for over centuries now. The
Moolavar - Vaithamanidhi Perumal gives darsan, reclining on Adisesha and facing
east. The Goddess is called Koloorvalli Tayar. The Vimana is called Srikara and
the thirtha, Kubera. Nammalwar adorned the Lord with his pasuramala. Daily
worship is offered regularly with due devotional fervor. Annual festivals are
celebrated with great fanfare.
It lies near Alwar Tirunagar railway station and can be reached by walk.