The One-thousand names of Visnu, all of which I have had no time to refer to, reveal to us the nature of the supreme Brahman. Even the more recitation of these names is stated to bring in great merit. How much greater the benefit will be if one recites them, understanding their purport and meditating on the Godhead whose glorious names they are?
19, See Jacques Maritain: p. 227.
"Being, knowledge, goodness are in God formalitereminenter, i.e., according to what signified by these concepts (which remains and does not Perish), but in a mode not only - as when they are said of an angel - superior to that in which being, knowledge, goodness are in the things in which I grasp them but so much superior that these intelligibles lose there the delimitations which distinguish them and without which I, myself, cannot conceive, them (but without which they can exit because these delimitations are proper to their created analogates). When I say being of God, the word continues to signify being and does not signify, does not present to my mind, goodness or knowledge, and yet the being of God is, His Knowledge, and His goodness, His mercy and His justice."
Again (p. 230). 'In him there is no duality of subject and predicate. To know Him as He is could only consist in an absolutely simple vision". It is strange that Jacques Maritain should have misunderstood the Hindu view of the Deity. Otherwise one cannot account for the following observation of b4 (PP. 232-3)- "One could say that India has been unable to sustain the idea of Divine Transcendence, as though a burning sense of the solitude of God had led her to an a - cosmic metaphysics which, by a hopeless circle, risked ruining in its turn that same transcendence. |