Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
This necessitates some sort of religious tolerance but one dictated by external necessity rather than by any real feelings of unity. Western missionary groups and the countries they come from must recognize the economic, political and military might of non-Western countries. Hence they must tone down their religious aggression accordingly but will try to maintain it as best they can under the new limiting circumstances.

The secular basis of Western democracy and its equitable laws is founded upon non-religious grounds. Its religious tolerance is a legal necessity, not any necessary openness to the truth of other religions, though hopefully this may follow in time. If Hindus wish to create tolerance it will occur from them pressing the issue in the political and economic arena, seeking equal rights, and by defending their religion in the information war from denigrating views.

It will not be created by mere slogans of the unity of religion. Only if Hindus are strong in both their identity and expression will they gain the status so that other religions will look up to them and not seek to trample them down.

The challenge for a resurgent Hinduism is not to abandon tolerance, but to unmask the intolerance behind pseudo - tolerance, to challenge exclusive beliefs, so that the varying spiritual urges in all human beings are honored and there is no attempt to reduce them to a single mold. 

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About Hinduism Under Siege
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The Dangers...Pg1
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The Dangers...Pg8
The Dangers...Pg9