Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Should One Not Follow the Religion One is Born Into?

We are born into many things and with many different proclivities, some which may reflect our real nature, others which may be obstacles that we should strive to overcome. The religion of our birth may be one or the other.

Religion, properly understood, is an aid to Self-realization and not an end in itself. One should follow whatever religious teachings most aid in this realization, regardless of their origin. If the religion one is born into has a living Self-realization tradition that one can follow, one should certainly adapt it.

If the religion of one's birth does not have such a tradition, then one should look to teachings that do. We must learn to use religion to further our inner understanding and cease letting religion use us to further the vested interests, which are usually of a worldly nature, that may sustain it. We do not belong to any particular religion, rather all religions belong to us.

In the global age that is dawning we no longer are restricted to the culture or religion of our area of birth but have access to that of all humanity. We should strive to benefit from the spiritual legacy of the human race, just as we are learning to benefit from the scientific knowledge and culture of all areas of the world.


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