Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Do Hindus Believe in Revelation?

Hinduism is a timeless religion, a formulation of Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Truth. Sanatana Dharma is not based upon any particular historical revelation - the message given to a particular person at a particular time and place. Nor is it looking toward some Armageddon, Day of Judgement, or end of the world. It recognizes the eternity of creation and the immortality of the soul. Its revelation is that of the Eternal in the here and now, in each individual soul, which is a matter of direct perception, not the message received from another.

According to Sanatana Dharma the revelation that we all need is Self-revelation, not that of an external deity. Self-revelation is enlightenment or Self-illumination which comes when the mind is silent. This revelation transcends all words and religious authorities and takes us beyond time. Great sages may bring important messages to humanity at different times but these are not the ultimate revelation which only comes through our own spiritual practice. Though we should honor the messages of the sages we should use these to understand the Eternal, not to trap ourselves in any temporal event, which must be limiting.


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