Structure Of Human Society
There are only a few basic values or goals in life we can pursue. This
is owing to the limited nature of our lives, our body, senses and mind.
While we may think there is any number of things we can pursue they resolve themselves into a few
areas: pleasure, wealth, power and knowledge.
The most basic goal is pleasure, to enjoy ourselves in life, primarily
enjoyment of the senses (kama). While a certain amount of pleasure in our natural functioning is
necessary for harmonious action in life, we usually seek it far beyond
The second goal is wealth, which is the accumulation of the necessary
objects to provide for our well-being (artha). The most basic are food, clothing and shelter but
beyond these we seek objects to make our lives more comfortable or convenient or simply more
The third goal is power or status,
which is the achievement of a certain recognition or fame for ourselves
(dharma). For us to accomplish anything in life we have to have a certain status or
reputation. Without that no one knows who we are or what we can do. Yet beyond this natural need we
seek to have power over others and to exalt ourselves at the expense of