From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Such social orders reflect a different idea of the world and a more intimate connection with nature. We could call them "organic", whereas our democratic or communist social orders are conceptual. All human beings may not simply be equal in terms of their function, any more than all of the organs of the body are. The brain has one function and the stomach has another. We cannot give half of the work of the brain to the stomach or half of the work of the stomach to the brain. Such equality would kill us. Nor should the stomach be allowed to function as the brain. A right organic order may be essential to society. It should not be confused with a conceptual order or with a wrong organic order (such as most of these older based cultures have degenerated into through time). 

We should also note that these cultural orders were far less rigid at their origin. While a difference in function was acknowledged each role was regarded as necessary and sacred. Only in time was the organic social order divided into rigid compartments rather than complementary functions. The farmer was not originally inferior to the king. Both were seen as providing essential functions, though one may have been subordinate to the other, each had its important place in the sacred order. Hence it was the king who did the first plowing for the year. 

Even in our modern culture these same different types have their own different, though not as isolated social orders. The priests or religious people of any group tend to form their own community, as with monasteries and churches. The nobility, our political leaders, also have their own echelon of society, which requires a certain background to be able to enter. 


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About Vedic Social Science : The Spiritual Basis Of Culture
Background Of Society-Pg1
Background Of Society-Pg2
Background Of Society-Pg3
The Class Structrure-Pg1
The Class Structrure-Pg2
The Class Structrure-Pg3
The Vedic Social Order -Pg1
The Vedic Social Order -Pg2
The Vedic Social Order -Pg3
The Structure Of Human Society-Pg1
The Structure Of Human Society-Pg2
The Structure Of Human Society-Pg3
The Structure Of Human Society-Pg4
The Structure Of Human Society-Pg5
The Structure Of Human Society-Pg6
The Limitations Of Society-Pg1
The Limitations Of Society-Pg2
The Limitations Of Society-Pg3
The Four Stages Of Life -Pg1
The Four Stages Of Life -Pg2
The Four Stages of Life -Pg3