Though we may have
advanced in terms of outer power and knowledge we have created a society that does not even
recognize the validity of the spiritual goal at all. We acknowledge religion but not the true goal of the
liberation of the Spirit as the real end of man. Hence our social order
is spiritually naive and bound to create some calamity for itself in
time by its lack of recognition of the real purpose of life.
Until, following the principles of Manu or the true
man, we return to a society whose pillar is the respect for spiritual and
self-knowledge our world must be beset with conflict and contradiction
and few will be able to arrive at any real or lasting happiness.
The higher man, however, is one who realizes his unity with all humanity, one who understands the
values and needs of all the levels of society. He helps each individual to
pursue their own appropriate way in life and does not attempt to create
a single standard for all. He provides a wide field of experience in which each can grow in his own
way. Such were the ancient leaders of Vedic or Aryan society.