The army has its own territory and
laws and is a society within society. While we may have eliminated the
formality of slavery we still have our servant and poverty classes, along
with their ghettos. Such divisions tend to occur according to the different
attitudes and aptitudes of people and they can breed conflict and suspicion whether they are
formalized or not. They can be used by one group of society to control or take advantage of the
There is, therefore, a natural tendency or need to form different subcultures within society. While it
certainly can become a form of oppression, it may have an appropriate form we have to adjust
to. Such diversification may be necessary for the full flowering of the different potentials of humanity
or for the development of the full range of experience necessary for
the human soul to grow. We are not all of one level in humanity. We do
not all have the same goals in life.
Souls are not all of the same stage
of development. Just as there are different classes in a school that
appeal to students of different temperaments, like science, mathematics or art, so there may
need to be different areas of learning in society for different souls to pursue. Some may need to
pursue business as an exclusive aim, others politics, others knowledge or art. Just as there are
different grades in school so grades in society may also exist. There may be a spiritual class
which has advanced beyond ordinary humanity to te point where we should look up to it for