11. But a prudent man should not marry
(a maiden) who has no brother, nor one whose father is
not known, through fear lest (in the former case she be
made) an appointed daughter (and in the latter) lest (he
should commit) sin.
12. For the first marriage of twice-
born men (wives) of equal caste are recommended; but
for those who through desire proceed (to marry again)
the following females, (chosen) according to the (direct)
order (of the castes), are most approved.
13. It is declared that a Sudra woman alone (can be) the wife of
a Sudra, she and one of his own caste (the wives) of a
Vaisya, those two and one of his own caste (the wives)
of a Kshatriya, those three and one of his own caste (the
wives) of a Brahmana.
14. A Sudra woman is not mentioned even in any (ancient) story as the
(first) wife of
a Brahmana or of a Kshatriya, though they lived in the
(greatest) distress.
15. Twice-born men who, in their
folly, wed wives of the low (Sudra) caste, soon degrade
their families and their children to the state of Sudras.
16. According to Atri and to (Gautama) the son of
Utathya, he who weds a Sudra woman becomes an out-
cast, according to Saunaka on the birth of a son, and
according to Bhrigu he who has (male) offspring from
a (Sudra female, alone).
17. A Brahmana who takes a
Sudra wife to his bed, will (after death) sink into hell;
if he begets a child by her, he will lose the rank of a
18. The manes and the gods will not eat
the (offerings) of that man who performs the rites in
honour of the gods, of the manes, and of guests chiefly
with a (Sudra wife's) assistance, and such (a man) will not go to heaven.
19. For him who drinks the moisture
of a Sudra's lips, who is tainted by her breath, and who
begets a son on her, no expiation is prescribed.
20. Now listen to (the) brief (description of) the
following eight marriage-rites used by the four castes
(varna) which partly secure benefits and partly produce
evil both in this life and after death.