Though a million of men, unacquainted with the Rikas,
were to dine at a (funeral sacrifice), yet a single man,
learned in the Veda, who is satisfied (with his entertainment), is worth them all as far as the (production of)
spiritual merit (is concerned).
132. Food sacred to the
manes or to the gods must be given to a man distinguished by sacred knowledge; for hands, smeared with
blood, cannot be cleansed with blood.
133. As many
mouthfuls as an ignorant man swallows at a sacrifice to
the gods or to the manes, so many red-hot spikes, spears,
and iron balls must (the giver of the repast) swallow after death.
134. Some Brahmanas are devoted to (the
pursuit of) knowledge, and others to (the performance
of) austerities; some to austerities and to the recitation
of the Veda, and others to (the performance of) sacred
135. Oblations to the manes ought to be carefully
presented to those devoted to knowledge, but offerings
to the gods, in accordance with the reason (of the sacred
law), to (men of) all the four (above-mentioned classes).
136. If there is a father ignorant of the sacred texts
whose son has learned one whole recension of the Veda
and the Angas, and a son ignorant of the sacred texts
whose father knows an entire recension of the Veda and
the Angas,
137. Know that he whose father knows the
Veda, is the more venerable one (of the two); yet the
other one is worthy of honour, because respect is due
to the Veda (which he has learned).
138. Let him not
entertain a personal friend at a funeral sacrifice; he may
gain his affection by (other) valuable gifts; let him feed
at a Sraddha a Brahmana whom he considers neither
as a foe nor as a friend.
139. He who performs funeral sacrifices
and offerings to the gods chiefly for the sake of
(gaining) friends, reaps after death no reward for Sraddhas and sacrifices.
140. That meanest among twice-
born men who in his folly contracts friendships through
a funeral sacrifice, loses heaven, because he performed
a Sraddha for the sake of friendship.