slab was useless for the making of the main image but smaller images were made out of it.
These were the Trimukha, or the three-faced image of Shiva, an image of, Ganpat now in the
Chandra- gupta temple and another goddess Lakshmi .The Raja again deputed the sons to
bring another block. Robbers killedthem all. Then the eldest son Yogakar was sent and with
the help of some Sanyasigosains, he was able to destroy the robbers and returned with a
slab. This slab was utilized for the image of Vishnu, which was set up. Sahila Varman also apparently erected the palace of Chamba. A temple
erected near the Lakshmi-Narayana temple commemorated his Guru Charpatnath. Some say this
shrine was erected later. Sahila-Varman under the advice of his Guru Charpatnath abdicated
in favor of his son, Yugakar and retired to Brahmapura, where he lived in the company of
Charpat- nath and the other yogis. There is an area at Brahmapura known as Chaurasi, and
according to accepted legend this was the hermitage of Charpatnath where Sahila-Varman
lived his last few years.