other shikhara temple of Brahmaur, smaller in size and plainer in appearance, contains a
brass image of Nar Singh,the man-lionincarnation of Vishnu. Its erection by Rani
Tribhuvana Rekha is mentioned in a copper-plate inscription of Yogakara, the son of
Sahila, and may, therefore, be placed in, the tenth or eleventh century. The Nar Singh
temple suffered consider- able damage in the earthquake of the fourth April, 1905.Temple
at Saho A stone temple of a peculiar type is that ofChandra Shekh (Sanskrit
Chandra-Shekhara) the moon-crowned Shiva, at Saho. It
is surmounted by a sloping slate-roof, evidently of modern date.The two remark- able
figures, however, on both sides of the entrance bear out that the main body of the
building is ancient. An early Sharada inscription, discovered at the adjoining village of
Sarahan, presumably records the foundation of the Saho temple. Temple at Udaipur The small
shikhara temple at Udaipur, three miles below Chamba, is a specimen of a very late type,
as it was erected after the death of Raja Udai Singh which occurred in A. D. 1720. It
contains three small-size images of white marble.
The central one represents Narayana, the other two Raja
Udai Singh and his brother Lachman Singh, who were murdered near the spot where the temple
stands. Besides, there is a slab with the effigies of the Raja, and his four rams and
eighteen maid-servants who became sati after his demise. The slab corresponds with the
so-called sati pillars of Mandi and Kulu. It is the only instance of its kind met with in